“10,000 lbs. of granite crushes your head to less than 3 inches wide, you’re given a 2% chance of survival and all you have remaining is faith in others to save you”
Mike Makes a Comeback
Less than 3 months after his accident Mike returned to snowmobiling all around Maine and New Hampshire after doctors expressed to his family he most likely would not be able to
For the record, Mike did not bury this machine and he was trying to get his brother out
Mike is #55 in blue
Mike sneaks in for another tackle
Mike liked to line up on the biggest opponents to gain his own advantage of being small and quick
Mike getting double teamed as he kept penetrating the offensive line
Mike overcame agoraphobia and anxiety. His first time flying post accident was to Disney
Mike’s return to skiing. The metal under his skin does not care much for the cold
Honeymoon in Niagara Falls
Mike always loved Sebago lake. Good place for a marriage proposal
Work trip to Nantucket-This trip helped Mike take steps into overcoming agoraphobia
Mike enjoys hikes and biking through nearby state parks